Reveal Your Radiance With Cosmetic Facial Procedures
Brighten your outlook by partnering with Mayberry Plastic Surgery. We offer cosmetic facial procedures to enhance your appearance and help you feel confident and attractive.
Options To Achieve a Glowing Complexion
Healthy Living
Healthy living influences the aging process. Adequate nutrition, restful sleep, sunscreen application, and weight maintenance contribute to positive aging. Avoiding tobacco and alcohol are also good not only for your appearance but for your health as well.
Skincare Products
Our licensed staff provides professional skincare services personalized to your needs. Mayberry Plastic Surgery carries skincare products by SkinCeuticals and ZO Skin Health™ among others for home use. We also offer in-office services, such as chemical peels and age spot treatments.
Non-Surgical Cosmetic Laser Procedures and Injectable Fillers
Subtle facial contouring through injectable fillers and laser treatments is an exciting way to improve your facial features without surgery. We offer various options, such as laser skin resurfacing, spider vein treatments, and injectables like Botox® Cosmetic, Juvéderm, Restylane®, and Radiesse®.
Chin Augmentation and Implants
Known as mentoplasty or genioplasty, a chin implant will reshape your chin to give you a more harmonious balance of your facial features. This is often paired with a nose reshaping surgery (rhinoplasty) or a facelift. Chin augmentation can also be achieved with soft tissue fillers, such as Juvéderm® or Radiesse®, but unlike genioplasty, fillers are not a permanent solution.
Who Is a Good Candidate?
Patients who undergo chin implants are healthy individuals with concerns about the size and/or projection of their chin. If you have a receding chin due to genetics or aging, this cosmetic surgery procedure, usually performed in our office, can address your concerns quickly and with a rapid recovery!
Performing the Procedure
Our doctor will make the smallest incision possible, either inside the mouth or under the chin. He will create a pocket where he will place the implant made of silicone. Dissolvable sutures are inserted, and a dressing is applied.
Recovering from the Surgery
You will have some soreness, but nothing that isn’t easily tolerated with the pain medications prescribed. We advise you to eat soft foods for the first day. If an intraoral approach is used, avoid hot liquids while the incision is healing, and take special care when brushing your teeth.
Ear Pinning Surgery
Otoplasty is a tried-and-true operation designed to make less prominent the ears of children and adults. Our doctor will meet with you during a private consultation to evaluate your health and explain the procedure.
Otoplasty Under the Age of 18
For children, ear-pinning surgery is usually performed in an outpatient basis. Typically, a child has otoplasty at the age of about 6 or 7, when the ears are already 80% of their adult size.
Teens and adults can have ear-pinning surgery under general anesthesia or even under local sedation. Overall, otoplasty is a comfortable procedure that does not leave any visible scars. Following the surgery, the patient will need to wear a wraparound head or ear dressing for approx for 2 weeks.
Eye Lift and Eyelid Surgery
Do you have excessive, sagging, or wrinkled upper or lower eyelid skin? If so, you may be a candidate for blepharoplasty or an eye lift. Puffy pouches of fat and loose skin can interfere with vision and give the appearance of fatigue and age. Dr. Aaron Mayberry strives to correct this through eye lift surgery.
About the Blepharoplasty Procedure
Eyelid lifts are done on an outpatient basis under sedation and local or general anesthesia. Typically, excess fat and skin are removed using incisions made at the natural crease in the upper lid. For lower eyelid lifts, an incision is made below the lash line to conceal minor surgical scars.
This procedure can be performed on the upper, lower, or both eyelids.

Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping)
If your nose doesn’t quite fit your facial features or if an injury has created an abnormal appearance, you may be a candidate for rhinoplasty surgery. Our surgeon strives to produce a more attractive shape to the nose proportion with your unique facial features.
All About the Procedure
Nose reshaping is one of the most common facial plastic surgeries performed in the world. Typically, incisions are made inside or outside the nostrils and bone. Cartilage and soft tissues are also reshaped to improve the contour of the nose.
There are three major types of rhinoplasty: closed, open, and tip-plasty. A tip-plasty is for those who only wish to improve the appearance of the nasal tip, while open rhinoplasty is for those with difficult or larger noses.

Brow Lift
A brow lift is a cosmetic procedure to raise the brows. It's also known as a forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation. A brow lift improves the appearance of the forehead, the brow and the area around the eyes. The procedure involves raising the soft tissue and skin of the forehead and brow.
You might choose to have a brow lift if you have a low, sagging brow or uneven brows. A brow lift might also boost your self-confidence.
A brow lift can be done alone or with other facial procedures, such as eyelid surgery or a face-lift.